Saturday, September 18, 2010

About work in san in san francisco

work in san in san francisco?
i will be moving to calif soon and will be working in san jose. can i live in san francisco? or is the commute too horrible?
San Jose - 7 Answers
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1 :
I live in San Jose, and it takes us about 45 minutes to get up to the city on non commute hours. I would prolly say it would take longer then that if your driving commute hours. Maybe an hour and a half to two hours.
2 :
one word HORRIBLE it takes 1 hr to get to san jose
3 :
I don't recommend it. Especially with the cost of gas, and you can't take BART or anything, because... well, it's San Jose. I guess if you *really* wanted to, have the resources (read: enough gas money), extra time for the commute (on Friday nights it's over an hour), then go for it. I'd much rather live in the City but it's just way impractical.
4 :
I wouldn't recommend it. San Francisco is actually more expensive to live in then the San Jose area, if that's possible. The commute isn't fun and why spend all that money for gas? There is a train, called Cal-Train that runs from SF to San Jose. It adds about an extra 45 minutes to the commute, and it ain't cheap either.
5 :
ummm well the drive normal without traffic is 45mins. but with traffic and gass pricing umm yea idk??? with traffic its about 1hour and 15 20 mins???? im not sure
6 :
I did commute from San Francisco to San Jose for six months. It is only a short term solution. Live in San Jose and travel to San Francisco on the weekends if you need to.
7 :
Right now if you commute longer than 45 mins then its bad. If its under 45 min. its good!

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Friday, September 3, 2010

About anyone know where a 14 year old can work in San jose,CA with working papers from school

Anyone know where a 14 year old can work in San jose,CA with working papers from school?
I want a job lol
Primary & Secondary Education - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
yah in Cali you need to be 17 to work
2 :
Go to any local flower shop, party city, and stuff like that. They usually do hire 14 yr olds. You can also make new friends =]
3 :
Try neighborhood stores, babysitting, and the local library. See if your school has a placement program.

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