Friday, May 4, 2012

About Is it pathetic that I have to drive to Fremont to work, when I live in San Jose

Is it pathetic that I have to drive to Fremont to work, when I live in San Jose?
I know jobs are really hard to find now-a-days don't get me wrong, I'm very grateful, but I'm most likely getting paid at minimum wage...and gas is just a b*tch! And this my dads working car, he does newspapers for gods' sakes! (Not much pay at all&a gas burner...) I'll just be wasting more gas, and money that we don't have...! Any suggestions?
Other - Cars & Transportation - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
No, my mom used to do that until I was born.
2 :
maybe just keep the job for a while, work a lot of hours make enough money to make up what you are spending and get things payed and in the meantime keep looking closer to home good luck im trying to find a job in santa rosa
3 :
no it isn't pathetic. you have a job, be happy at that. your doing what you have to.
4 :
I want you to pray.. for a the Life that God origionally wanted for you.. God has a plan in his heart for you.. Let him reveal it to you.. and you will have purpose and direction.. regardless of the external world.. I care about you...
5 :
its tough out there , just keep putting 1 foot in front of the other
6 :
any buses? get a month pass it's cheaper and get up earlier to catch them it's a hassle but if it saves in the long run you might want to try it

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