Monday, July 4, 2011

About car hood has a big scratch, need repair in San Jose, CA

Car hood has a big scratch, need repair in San Jose, CA?
Hi, My car hood has a big scratch, very visible. The scratch was caused by the moving agency. I need to repair the hood to get rid of the scratch. I want to go to a good place which does good body work and restores the originality of the car. Can some one please let me know which is a good car body work in San Jose, CA. Also can some one please let me know how much will the whole work cost.
Maintenance & Repairs - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
just go find a body shop they will all for the most part do a good job or they would not be in business
2 :
go to a junk yard and get another hood in the same color saves a lot of time and money.
3 :
ask one of the local cops with all the accidents and tows they are there for they see a lot and hear alot they know who to stay away from

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